Enes Dasdemir

Someone who continues to research, question and learn. I believe life is too long to do one thing and I try to learn everything I get the opportunity to do so. If there will be a description; A basketball player who is interested in bioinformatics and metal/rock music lover.


I've always loved going out of the ordinary. I always thought differently from the society I was in. I was always looking for one step more, for my better model. I researched for it, questioned it, described as crazy and everyone said I was different. I have always been satisfied with this situation.

As we overcome the difficulties we encounter in our search for life's purpose, we are always faced with a new challenges. In my ongoing struggle with life, I always asked myself the following question: “How can I be better? How can I stand up for the next challenge.”

Life never lets you pause. Would you like to follow my ongoing life path closely?

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I prepare various projects both to learn new skills and to find new findings. I had to do all my project ideas alone until now. While preparing these projects, I also produce usable products with the knowledge I have learned.

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Every person can write only a certain part of his/her life on his CV. Let's not forget that emotions and experiences are much more than what is written there. Hoping for a world where personalities are more valuable than a document.

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